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Trello Clone

This is a simple Trello Clone created using React and Typescript. We can create any number of boards. Each and every task is editable. Even the titles are editable. There is also drag and drop functionality within the board and across boards. I did not use any external library to implement the drag and drop functionality. 

Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 6.31.27 PM.png

Github User Search

This is a project which aims at searching all the Github users with the given name in the input. It works as a autocomplete dropdown. There are not third party libraries used in this project for the autocomplete effect. The search uses debounce strategy to reduce the number of API calls made and we also have Infinite Scroll using Intersection Observer.

Screenshot 2022-06-27 at 6.53.14 PM.png

React + Firebase Image Gallery

This is a project aimed to have personal gallery of your images. The project mainly uses React in the frontend and firebase for performing network related stuff. We have a very simple layout for this project. The extension of this project would be trying to provide some layout options for the user. I would love to try Masonry layout :)


Sparkplug - Walmart

This is a project I have build to detect price gouging in Walmart. Price gouging is nothing but illegally increasing the price of products over their MRP. We used React as the frontend for this and also used a React charts library for the visual depiction of prices, averages and the stores which are involved in price gouging. The backend is built in flask.



This is a simple React Native calculator app built by me during the time when I was learning React. It is more like a fun project :)

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